3 posts with the tag jal

Jal golgappe ka pani. Golgappa ka pani served along gol gappas is prepared with numerous flavors. Crisp and crusty gol gappas filled with potatoes, sweet chutney and chilled flavored water make a Do not use warm water for making any Golgappe ka Pani. Instead, use water at room temperature or chilled water is the best. […]

Raw Mango Panna /Juice With Jal jeera. You can cook Raw Mango Panna /Juice With Jal jeera using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Raw Mango Panna /Juice With Jal jeera Prepare of Raw mango. Prepare of sugar. Prepare of jal jeera powder(optional). You need of jeera powder. […]

Jal golgappe ka pani. Golgappa ka pani served along gol gappas is prepared with numerous flavors. Crisp and crusty gol gappas filled with potatoes, sweet chutney and chilled flavored water make a Do not use warm water for making any Golgappe ka Pani. Instead, use water at room temperature or chilled water is the best. […]