2 posts with the tag indian style

Homemade Pizza.. without yeast..and super indian style..in Kadhai. You can cook Homemade Pizza.. without yeast..and super indian style..in Kadhai using 18 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Homemade Pizza.. without yeast..and super indian style..in Kadhai Prepare 100 gm of Paneer. It’s 1 of Capsicum. You need as needed of […]

Kalakand (Indian style ricotta cheesecake). You can cook Kalakand (Indian style ricotta cheesecake) using 5 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Kalakand (Indian style ricotta cheesecake) You need 600 gm of whole milk Ricotta cheese or paneer from freshly curdled milk. You need 400 gm of condensed milk. You […]