Easiest Way to Make Delicious Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake

July 29, 2017 1:45pm - 2 min read

Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake.

Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake
You can have Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake

  1. Prepare of Suji.
  2. You need of yogurt-.
  3. Prepare of Salt.
  4. It’s of Chopped veggies.(onion, tomato,capsicum…).
  5. Prepare of Eno.
  6. Prepare of Butter for greasing pan.
  7. It’s of For mango shake..
  8. Prepare of mango.
  9. You need of glass.
  10. Prepare of milk,sugar.

Suji Uttapam with Mango Shake instructions

  1. Take a big bowl add all the ingredients of UTTAPAM except eno- rest for 5 min.
  2. Add eno- in mixtures..
  3. Heat the pan greased with butter put mix.from the help of ladle or small bowl after few min turn it.Ur UTTAPAM is ready for serve.
  4. For mango shake..Mix and blend all the ingredients in blender..

Last updated on: July 29, 2017 1:45pm