3 posts with the tag #mysterybox2

Apple Donuts. You can have Apple Donuts using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Apple Donuts Prepare 2 of apples. You need as needed of chocolate (melted). It’s as needed of sparkels for decoration. Apple Donuts step by step Take 2 apple and take out apple cover.. Cut […]

Chocolate truffle samosa. You can cook Chocolate truffle samosa using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Chocolate truffle samosa You need 100 gm of dark chocolate compound. You need 2 tsp of cream. Prepare 1/2 tsp of butter. You need 1 cup of maida. It’s 2 tsp of […]

Chocolate donuts. With our wide variety of donuts, there's a favorite for Our delicious donuts come in a variety of flavors and are free of artificial dyes, so there's a favorite for. These easy homemade baked chocolate donuts are topped with a delicious chocolate glaze and sprinkles! Because chocolate donuts just don't feel complete to […]