3 posts with the tag k

Besan k laddu # flours. Besan ladoo are delicious & aromatic sweet balls made with gram flour, sugar, ghee and cardamom powder. This recipe will give besan laddu with a melt in the mouth texture. Besan ke laddu, How to make besan ladoo, besan ladoo recipe step by step, besan ladoo recipe video, besan ladoo […]

Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan. You can cook Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan It’s of .whipping cream 1 cup. It’s of .condensed milk less than half cup. […]

Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan. You can cook Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Vanilla ice-cream a quick recipe #eid k pakwan It’s of .whipping cream 1 cup. It’s of .condensed milk less than half cup. […]