2 posts with the tag bikaneri

Bikaneri Mini Samosa (Baked and Fried). Baked samosas made with pie crust and seasoned potatoes and peas are an easy version of the Indian-inspired appetizer without all the oil. All Reviews for Easy Baked Indian Samosas. Baked Samosa made with whole wheat flour is a far healthier version of Punjabi Samosa which is deep fried. […]

Bikaneri Mini Samosa (Baked and Fried). You can cook Bikaneri Mini Samosa (Baked and Fried) using 25 ingredients and 18 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Bikaneri Mini Samosa (Baked and Fried) You need 3/4 cup of All Purpose Flour. You need 3/4 cup of Whole Wheat Flour. Prepare 1/2 tsp of […]