2 posts with the tag belkhand

Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand. You can cook Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand using 8 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand Prepare 2 cups of fresh curd. You need 1 cup of bel/Wood Apple pulp (deseeded). Prepare 2 of cardamoms, (elaichi) […]

Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand. You can cook Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand using 8 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Belkhand or Bel /Wood Apple Shrikhand Prepare 2 cups of fresh curd. You need 1 cup of bel/Wood Apple pulp (deseeded). Prepare 2 of cardamoms, (elaichi) […]