Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Vanilla Ice cream base

January 21, 2019 5:53pm - 2 min read

Vanilla Ice cream base.

You can have Vanilla Ice cream base using 5 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Vanilla Ice cream base

  1. It’s of castor sugar plus a little water.
  2. It’s of egg whites.
  3. Prepare of egg yolks.
  4. It’s of double cream.
  5. You need of vanilla pods.

Vanilla Ice cream base step by step

  1. Place sugar & water in a pan & heat to a syrup.
  2. Whisk egg whites, set side.
  3. Cut vanilla pods & place seeds with the cream. Whip double cream until think but not too stiff, set side.
  4. Place egg yolks in large metal bowl above heat. Add sugar syrup to egg yolks slowly, while whisking with an electric whisk.
  5. Fold in whipped cream to the sugar & egg mix.
  6. Fold in egg whites to the mix. Pour mix into tubs & freeze.

Last updated on: January 21, 2019 5:53pm