Recipe: Perfect Easy vanilla ice cream

March 17, 2017 2:18am - 2 min read

Easy vanilla ice cream.

Easy vanilla ice cream
You can have Easy vanilla ice cream using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy vanilla ice cream

  1. You need of Ziplock bags.
  2. It’s of Ziplock bag.
  3. Prepare of Ziplock bag.
  4. It’s of Ice cream.
  5. You need of Milk.
  6. You need of Vanila extract.
  7. Prepare of Trays of ice cubes.
  8. It’s of Sugar.
  9. Prepare of Salt.

Easy vanilla ice cream instructions

  1. Put milk and sugar into quart sized bag and put in vanila extract, seal the bag..
  2. Put ice and salt into gallon sized bag.
  3. Put the small bag into the big bag and seal both.
  4. Shake the bag unstopebly from 7-10 minutes.
  5. Take out a small bag which contains your icecream cut a hole in a bag and squeez your ice cream into a bowl.

Last updated on: March 17, 2017 2:18am