Recipe: Tasty Vanilla ice cream

September 10, 2019 2:08am - 2 min read

Vanilla ice cream.

Vanilla ice cream
You can cook Vanilla ice cream using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Vanilla ice cream

  1. You need of whip cream.
  2. It’s of I cup condensed milk.
  3. It’s of vanilla essence.

Vanilla ice cream step by step

  1. Prepare the condensed milk by boiling one cup of milk with 1/2 cup sugar. (you can refer to my recipe of condensed milk) let it cool.
  2. Beat whip cream and condensed milk in bits as you incorporate them using a spatula..
  3. Add the essence.
  4. In air tight container Refregirate over night or at least 4 hours enjoy it cold.

Last updated on: September 10, 2019 2:08am