Recipe: Perfect Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream

June 22, 2018 5:16pm - 2 min read

Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream.

Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream
You can cook Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream

  1. It’s of strawberry (roughly chopped).
  2. It’s of vanilla ice cream.
  3. You need of chilled milk.
  4. Prepare of sugar(according to taste).

Strawberry milkshake with vanilla ice cream instructions

  1. First add chopped strawberries and sugar in a blender jar and blend them for 2 mins till all strawberries become smooth paste.
  2. Now add vanilla ice cream and chilled milk again blend for 2mins to mix all ingredients and to get a creamy smooth texture.
  3. Now strawberry milkshake is ready to pour in glass and garnish with a half silced strawberry.
  4. Now strawberry milkshake is ready to serve.

Last updated on: June 22, 2018 5:16pm