Recipe: Perfect Tender Coconut Water Pudding

February 07, 2017 9:16am - 2 min read

Tender Coconut Water Pudding.

Tender Coconut Water Pudding
You can have Tender Coconut Water Pudding using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tender Coconut Water Pudding

  1. Prepare 1 of tender coconut.
  2. You need 2 tsp of sugarpowder.
  3. Prepare 2 tsp of agar agar powder.
  4. It’s 5-6 of mintleaves.

Tender Coconut Water Pudding step by step

  1. Cut the tender coconut &transfer the water on a bowl.Mix agar agar&sugar powder. Cut the tender coconut 2 pieces..
  2. Great the thin portoil of the tender coconut.Boiled the coconut water mixture till all are melted.Off the flame &little cool it.In the meantime take some mould put some grated coconut..
  3. Pour a laddleful mixture on each mould &put mintleaves on the top of the pudding.Freezed it 1 hour.After one hour tender coconut pudding is ready yo serve.Serve it immediately..

Last updated on: February 07, 2017 9:16am