Easiest Way to Make Perfect Fried Masala Chickpeas

July 08, 2019 10:42am - 2 min read

Fried Masala Chickpeas.

Fried Masala Chickpeas
You can cook Fried Masala Chickpeas using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Fried Masala Chickpeas

  1. It’s of Chickpeas soaked overnight.
  2. Prepare of Chat masala.
  3. Prepare of Black Salt.
  4. Prepare of Dry Mango powder or Amchur.
  5. Prepare of Red Chilli powder.

Fried Masala Chickpeas instructions

  1. Soak Chickpeas overnight for best results. Deep fry in hot Oil on a medium high heat until golden brown and crisp. These are done in no time at all. An excellent snack to munch on when sudden hunger pangs strike at midnight. Enjoy!.
  2. The spices can be adjusted according to one's taste. Keep moving your ladle all the while you fry and keep a watchful eye on them. See to it that all are fried evenly. They get done very quickly but you need to carefully monitor..

Last updated on: July 08, 2019 10:42am