Recipe: Appetizing Oreo Cookie Cake

April 30, 2017 3:27pm - 2 min read

Oreo Cookie Cake.

Oreo Cookie Cake
You can have Oreo Cookie Cake using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Oreo Cookie Cake

  1. It’s of Oreo 1 pack.
  2. You need of milk.
  3. It’s of whipped cream.

Oreo Cookie Cake instructions

  1. First you take the Oreo cookies and dip them in 3\4 milk and put them in a glass pan after you put them in milk!!.
  2. Then you put whipped cream over the Oreo cookies then repeat until at the top of the glass.
  3. Then EAT.

Last updated on: April 30, 2017 3:27pm