How to Make Appetizing # Aam Panna

March 03, 2018 7:54am - 2 min read

# Aam Panna.

# Aam Panna
You can have # Aam Panna using 4 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of # Aam Panna

  1. You need of Raw Mangoes.
  2. It’s of cordamoms crushed or powdered.
  3. You need of black salt.
  4. It’s of Sugar.

# Aam Panna instructions

  1. Boil the mangoes in cooker for 3-4 whistles. Switch off the flame & ket them cool down..
  2. Remove the peel & take out the mango pulp.
  3. Mix the cordamon power,salt & sugar to the pulp.
  4. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Store it in an air tight bottle.
  6. While serving add 1tsp of the preserve to 1 glass of water.
  7. Stir &add ice cubes.
  8. Serve aam panna cold.

Last updated on: March 03, 2018 7:54am