Recipe: Delicious Aam Panna

December 16, 2018 4:16am - 2 min read

Aam Panna.

Aam Panna
You can cook Aam Panna using 9 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Aam Panna

  1. You need of chopped raw mango.
  2. Prepare of raw sugar.
  3. You need of elaichi powder.
  4. You need of black salt powder.
  5. You need of roasted jeera powder.
  6. Prepare of chopped coriander.
  7. You need of chopped pudina.
  8. Prepare of roasted saunf powder.
  9. It’s of Peppercorn powder.

Aam Panna instructions

  1. Boil chopped mango and blend it in smooth puree with blender.
  2. Add black salt,jeera powder,saunf,black pepper powder,elaichi powder and Chopped coriander.
  3. Add 3-Cup chilled water and serve chill tasty Aam panna.Garnish with pudina stem.

Last updated on: December 16, 2018 4:16am